Thursday, September 23, 2010

Banned Books Week 2010

This upcoming week (September 25 - October 2) is the annual Banned Books Week. Begun in 1982 in response to an upsurge in the number of books being challenged in libraries, Banned Books Week is meant to draw attention to book censorship and promote intellectual freedom.

Stop by your local public library--even your local bookstore!--next week and I'm sure you'll see displays of banned and challenged books. Take a look at the titles--I'll bet you've read a few. You probably even enjoyed them.

The NYT posted an article suggesting 10 ways you might celebrate Banned Books Week this year. Even if you don't have time to do one of these activities, and even if you don't have time to read your favorite banned book (or maybe try a new one!), do take a few minutes to think about the freedom to read. It's a particularly great freedom that we have in this country, and we shouldn't let those who would wish to censor books get away with it.

Support Banned Books Week and the freedom to read!

P.S. What's your favorite banned or challenged book?


  1. My mom went to the schools to talk about banned books this week. She told me that one of her staff made a display of the banned books - appartently it's really good. But, funny story, one of the banned books was The American Heritage Dictionary. It's a bit ridiculous, if you ask me. Loved this post! Yay Freedom to Read!!! :)

  2. Thanks for this informative post, Amy! Looking at all those banned book lists NYT links to, I realized that at least 80% of my favorite books have been banned at some point. That's terrifying. I'm so glad Banned Books Week exists!
